Eggless Date Cake Recipe
- Nisha Madhulika |
- 21,553 times read
Prepared from dates and alsi (flax seeds) ,the Eggless Date Cake is not just tasty but healthy as well. Small bits of walnut and almond make it even more mouth watering.
- इस रेसीपी को हिन्दी में पढिये - Eggless Date Cake Recipe in Hindi
Ingredients required for Eggless Date Cake
- Flour - 1 cup
- Baking powder - 1/2 tsp
- Baking soda - 1/4 tsp
- Butter or ghee - 1/2 cup
- Powdered sugar - 1/2 cup
- Milk - 1/2 cup
- Dates - 10-15
- Alsi (flax seeds) - 1 tbsp
- Almond - 1 tbsp
- Walnut - 1tbsp
How to make Eggless Date Cake
Mix baking powder and baking soda with flour, filter 2-3 times with a sieve and keep aside in a bowl.
Once you take out the seed and cap from the dates soak them in 4 tbsp milk or water for 12 minutes. Use the same milk to to grind the dates in a mixer.
Dissolve alsi (flax seeds) powder with 4 tbsp milk.
Melt the butter add sugar and beat rigorously till the two mix well without any signs of fat.
Add the paste made from dates along with the soaked alsi (flax seeds) powder to the same mixture.Also add milk and mix well. Now add the flour mixture to it and make a good mix. The batter for our cake is ready.
Grease the utensil in which cake is to be made, apply ghee and make the utensil smooth.Now take 1 tsp flour and spread it evenly to making a thin layer, remove extra flour from the utensil.
Pour the cake mixture into the greased utensil and put it into a preaheated oven(temp-180 degrees) allowing it to bake for 40 minutes. Cake can be pierced with the sharp edge of a knife to check if it's cooked or not. If cake does not stick to the knife then baking is complete, if it does stick then you can bake the cake as required for 5-10 minutes more.
Egg-less Date Cake is now ready, take out the cake from the oven and let it cool. With the help of a knife remove cake from the utensil and place it on a plate. You can cut the cake into desired pieces and relish it. Store the remaining cake in an air tight container and put it in the fridge and enjoy this sweet treat till a week.
Eggless Date Cake Recipe video in Hindi
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