Eggless Banana Cake Recipe | Eggless Banana Cake Without Using Oven
- Nisha Madhulika |
- 11,376 times read
Do you know how easy it is to prepare Banana Eggless Cake? Well, if you do not know, then you will come to know it by the end of this article. Today, we will prepare banana-eggless cake by adding chocolate chips. So, let's begin the preparation.
Ingredients for Eggless Banana Cake:
Banana - 2
Olive Oil - 1/4 Cup
Curd - 1/2 Cup
Sugar - 1/2 Cup (100 grams)
Refined Flour -1 Cup + 2 tbsp (150 grams)
Baking Powder - 1 tsp
Baking Soda - 1/4 tsp
Vanilla Essence - 1/2 tsp
Chocolate Chips - 1/4 Cup
Eggless Banana Cake Recipe:
Take 2-ripe bananas, peel, and slice them. Put the sliced pieces of banana into the mixer jar. Add ¼ tsp of olive oil, ½ cup of curd, and ½ cup of sugar to the mixer jar. Blend the content and prepare a fine paste.
Alternative: You can use any refined or cooking oil instead of olive oil.
Next, we will ready the dry ingredients. Take 1 cup & 2 tbsp of refined flour (maida), 1 tsp of baking powder, and ¼ tsp of baking soda in a bowl. Sift the dry ingredients to another bowl to get rid of lumps. Sift the dry ingredients 2-times.
Grease a container with a little ghee, which you will use for baking the cake. Lay a butter paper at the bottom of the cake container and grease it too.
Alternative: If you do not have butter paper, use paper, or foil paper.
Take a cooker and add 2 cups of salt to it. Place a stand inside the cooker and preheat it. Before putting the lid, remove the gasket and pressure regulator from it.
Preheat the cooker for 7-8 minutes over high heat. Now, mix liquid and dry ingredients. Pour the banana mixture in a bowl and gradually add and mix the dry ingredients in it. Add ½ tsp of vanilla essence and mix well.
Now, take ¼ cup of choco chips, out of which save 1 tbsp of choco chips and add 3 tbsp to the batter and mix well.
Next, pour the batter into the greased container. Tap the cake container to spread the batter evenly. Now, sprinkle the saved 1 tbsp of choco chips over the batter.
[After 8 minutes]
Place the cake container inside the cooker and close it. Bake the cake over a low-medium flame for 50 minutes.
After 50 minutes, we will do the needle test to check if the cake is fully-baked. Insert a needle inside the cake, and it should come out clean.
Set aside the cake container for 30 minutes and allow it to cool. Slide a knife along the edges and ease out the cake once it cools down.
Slice a piece of cake, and eggless banana cake is ready to be served. Serve it as a snack for your kids, and they will enjoy it.
सॉफ्ट n स्पंजी चोको चिप्स बनाना केक । Moist n Eggless Banana Cake without oven in pressure cooker
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