Gond Pak Recipe | Mawa Gond Pak - winter Special Recipe
- Nisha Madhulika |
- 20,328 times read
Mawa Gond Pak is a sweet which has amazing taste and its crispiness helps to make it more enjoyable while eating.
Ingredients for Mawa Gond Paak
Edible Gum - 1 cup (200 gms)
Mawa - 1 cup (250 gms)
Sugar - 1 cup (250 gms)
Ghee - ¾ cup (150 gms)
How to make Mawa Gond Pak
Preheat Clarified Butter in a wok to fry Edible Gums. Moderately heated Clarified Butter and the low-medium flame is required to roast the Edible gums. Add edible gum in the wok to roast.
Roast the Edible gums until they expand or their colour changes to light brown. Drain them out once such actions occur to them. Stop the ladle on the corner of the wok so that extra ghee moves back in it. Remove all the edible gums in the same way. Take a strainer and place the edible gum over it using a ladle.
Add mawa in the pan to roast and roast while stirring it until colour changes or fragrance appear.
The colour of mawa has slightly changed and there is the soothing fragrance of it because it has roasted. Take out the roasted Mawa in a separate bowl, add 1 cup of Sugar in a Wok along with ½ cup of Water.
Cook sugar in water until it dissolves properly. Meanwhile, break the edible gum into the more smaller size pieces. Add some in another plate and press it using the bottom of any vessel. Do not break them extremely coarsely grounded. Prepare all the edible gum by crushing in this way.
Check the sugar syrup. The sugar has properly dissolved in water but, cook it more as we need the thick consistency sugar syrup on the low flame. Add mawa in it, mix all the Ingredients properly and place it in a plate.
Grease the plate and spread the mixture evenly on it. Place it aside to set and mark the cutting areas over it after 10 minutes. Cut the pieces into your desired size. The edible gum mawa pak has set and it is ready to be served. Store it in any container once it cools down and consumes it for 8-10 days.
- When you'll be mixing all the ingredients in the sugar syrup and if you'll realise that it is dry then, add 1-2 teaspoons of water in it, cook it slightly and set it.
Gond Pak Recipe | सर्दियों की खास रेसिपी गोंद पाक । Mawa Gond Pak - winter Special Recipe
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